For many a world without football is unfathomable. Experts have been made out of fans, right from their couches or local watering holes. Needless to say, the 47th professional football season is kind of a big deal. But besides the game, it can be a party, a foodie's haven, and a treasure-trove of winnings.</SPAN></P> <HR class="ccm-blog-post-preview-break"/> <P><STRONG><SPAN class="main-text">The Party</SPAN></STRONG><BR/> <SPAN class="main-text">Sports lovers are linked by their love of the game. Regardless what side they're on, those who follow sports have a commonality: the party. A football party may very well be the most revered in the sports realm. This might be because fans are willing to do it in the coldest of weather and the hottest of temperatures.</SPAN></P> <P><STRONG><SPAN class="main-text">The Food</SPAN></STRONG><BR/> <SPAN class="main-text">Well-planned football parties tend to have snacks, or potatoes in the form of chips or fries—often consumed with icy cold beer or soft drinks. That's not to ignore the sandwiches or chicken wings! Easily celebrated by the whole family or just a small group of friends, football fare is a celebration of indulgence.</SPAN></P> <P><STRONG><SPAN class="main-text">The Rewards</SPAN></STRONG><BR/> <SPAN class="main-text">If community wasn't reward enough, side bets among friends abound. The reward for a win can be monetary or as simple as determining who gets the next round of beers from the fridge. Either way, football is king. But what about fans that don't want to clean up after a party or endure sub-zero temperatures? Those fans cheer on their favorite professional team at Potawatomi Bingo Casino in The Fire Pit and The Fire Pit's side bar. Televisions galore, food and drink specials make being a spectator a sure bet.</SPAN></P> <P><SPAN class="main-text"><STRONG>Football Fan Club</STRONG> (September 9, 13, 24 and 30) rewards patrons taking advantage of the awesome food and drink specials. That's it. Entries are based on purchases and if you're around for more than one game, the chances increase for winning great prizes. <STRONG>Monday Night Gridiron</STRONG> (September 10, 17 and 24) is even more passive. Rely on the luck of the draw based on what team you pick and a random prize selection for each field goal or touchdown.</SPAN></P> <P><SPAN class="main-text">Will you be stopping by? Let us know in the comments below.