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From wearing specific colors or good luck charms to tapping on the screen, there are many different ways people try to up their “winnability” while gambling. We have collected the top 10 gambling superstitions from across the web.
We have all seen this while watching movies like "Casino" and "Vegas Vacation." Someone will blow on the dice for good luck. But where did this come from? One thought is that the positive superstition came from the musical “Guys and Dolls” and had become popular by the 1955 movie version. Another suggestion is that dishonest gamblers would blow on the dice to activate a substance to ensure the dice always landed profitably. Blowing on a set of dice is ingrained in the casino culture. From historic movies to today’s casinos, you are bound to see this superstition in play.
What typically comes to mind when you think of lucky colors for the casino? Traditionally, red is associated with bringing good luck to the casino. Superstition started in Asian cultures, where red was associated with prosperity and wealth. You may or may not see fellow gamblers donning a red shirt or articles. Some gamblers wear red undergarments to keep their opponents from knowing of their optimism.
When you walk around the casino floor, you will see a variety of players sitting, standing, and even changing seats. There are multiple reasons for this. Some players believe that sitting up straighter or standing gives you confidence and your winnability will go up. At table games, some players may feel that a certain seat or position at the table is unlucky, so they will wait until the seat opens up to take a spot. Others may be trying to recreate the same stance or seating position they had when they won big.
One superstition many players swear by is not crossing their legs while playing at the table or slot machines. By crossing your legs, you could be blocking the good luck that could be coming your way. Others believe that keeping your feet firmly planted on the ground makes you more stable, which can lead to better focus and confidence.
A lucky charm can be anything that the player considers lucky. Common good luck charms include
An interesting example of a good luck charm being used is 10-time World Series of Poker champion Johnny Chan, who carried an orange to every poker game. Pair your lucky charm with something red, and you could maximize your winnability.
Rituals can be anything you do routinely to increase your winnability. They have held superstitious significance throughout history and can be included in your next trip to the Potawatomi Casino Hotel.
Some common examples of rituals before and during gameplay include
A famous example of a ritual is from Daniel “Kid Poker” Negreanu, who holds two World Poker Tournament championship titles and six World Series of Poker bracelets. To prepare for his games, he marathons the Rocky movies to help him get in the right mindset.
Have you ever heard that whistling at the card table can bring bad luck to players? Some sources believe this superstition came from old British sailors at sea who believed that whistling brought bad weather and rough seas. So, if you have a habit of whistling, you may want to refrain while at the table or stick to playing virtual games.
The number 13 is seen as unlucky, even outside of gaming. Casinos like Potawatomi Casino Hotel skip the 13th floor when building hotels to avoid bad luck. Another number you may not know is unlucky is 4. In Chinese, the word for 4 sounds like death and is typically avoided while gaming. There is good news, though. Lucky numbers in gambling are considered 2, 3, 6, 8, and 7. Keep these numbers in mind next time you play roulette.
At any given point as you walk through the casino floor you will hear the melodic chimes of slot machines. Did you know there is a superstition tied to it? Some players believe that to increase your winnability, the volume of the machine needs to be all the way up. There have been players who will change machines if the volume button does not work.
Many of us have heard the saying, “Don’t count your eggs until they hatch,” and this next superstition follows that principle. Many players consider counting money or chips at the gaming table bad luck and can lead to you potentially losing your winnings. Besides bringing bad luck, counting your money is seen as distasteful and impolite by other players.
Finally, this last superstition comes from mafia culture. It is said that when the mafia buried someone in the Nevada desert, they placed a $50 bill in their pocket. This led people to associate $50 bills with bad luck. Following this superstition, some believe that putting a higher bill, such as $100, in the machine is more likely to pay out.
Using your player’s card at the casino can have many benefits. Including earing points for free play, hotel stays, access to exclusive members’ only games and so on. However, there are some players who believe that your chances of winning are higher if you avoid using a player’s card in a slot machine. While other players swear by the use of the players card. Even to the point of changing machines if it doesn’t recognize the card after the first two attempts.
In reality, any color, good luck charm, or ritual can help bring good luck if you believe in it. Most gamblers will follow the same routines after a big win to try and keep the luck going. The most important part is to remember to have fun and enjoy your time while visiting the casino. At Potawatomi Casino Hotel, we have thousands of slots for you and plenty of table games to test some of the positive superstitions.
Do you follow any superstitions when you play table games or slots? Let us know on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or X.
Locations in Milwaukee, WI and Carter in the Northwoods of Wabeno, WI.